Was bedeutet Software Architecture?

Das International Software Architecture Qualification Board  (ISAQB) definiert den Begriff „Software Architecture“ wie folgt:

Unter Software Architecture versteht man

There exist several (!) valid and plausible definition
of the term Software Architecture.

The following definition has been proposed by the IEEE 1471 standard:


Software Architecture: the fundamental organization of a syste
embodied in its components, their relationships to eac
other and to the environment and the principles guidin
its design and evolution.


The new standard ISO/IEC/IEEE 42010:2011 has adopted and revised the definition as follows:


Architecture: (system) fundamental concepts or properties of a syste
in its environment embodied in its elements, relationships, and i
the principles of its design and evolution.


The key terms in this definition require some explanation:


  • Components: Subsystems, modules, classes, functions or the more general ter
    building blocks: structural elements of software: Components are usually implemented in a programming language, but can also be other artifacts tha
    (together) make up the system.</li
  • Relationships: Interfaces, dependencies, associations – different names for the same feature: Components need to interact with other components to enabl
    separation of concerns.</li
  • Environment: Every system has some relationship
    to its environment: data, control flow or events are transferred t
    and from maybe different kinds of neighbours.</li
  • Principles: Rules or conventions that hold for a system or several parts of it
    Decision or definition, usually valid for several elements of the system. Ofte
    called concepts or even solution patterns. Principles (concepts) are the foundation for conceptual integrity.</li
    The Software Engineering Institure</em
    maintains a collection of further definitions

    Although the term often refers to the software architecture of an IT system, it is also used to refer to software architecture as an engineering science.

    Category: ISO-IEC-IEEE-42010

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