Was bedeutet Scenario?
Das International Software Architecture Qualification Board (ISAQB) definiert den Begriff „Scenario“ wie folgt:
Unter Scenario versteht man „
Quality scenarios document required quality attributes
They help to describe required or desired qualities of a system, in pragmatic an
informal manner, yet making the abstract notion of “quality” concrete and tangible.<div class="figure-wrapper center"
<figure class="image" style="width: 50%"
<img src="/site_images/isaqbglossary/schematic-Q-scenario.png" alt="Generic form of (Quality) scenario" style="width: 100%"Generic form of (Quality) scenario</figcaption
Event/stimulus: Any condition or event arriving at the system</li
System (or part of the system) is stimulated by the event.</li
Response: The activity undertaken after the arrival of the stimulus.</li
Metric (response measure): The response should be measurable in some fashion.</li
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