Was bedeutet Module?
Das International Software Architecture Qualification Board (ISAQB) definiert den Begriff „Module“ wie folgt:
Unter Module versteht man „
(see also Modular programming)
- structural element or building block, usually regarded as a black box wit a clearly defined responsibility. It encapsulates data and code an
provides public interfaces, so clients can access its functionality. This meaning has first be described in a groundbreaking and fundamental paper from David L. Parnas on the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Software into Modules- In several programming languages, module is a construct for aggregating smaller programming units, e.g. in Python. In other languages (like Java)
modules are called packages.- The CPSA(R)-Advanced Level is currently divided into several modules, which can be learned or taught separately and in any order. The exact relationships between these modules and the contents of these modules are defined in the respective curricula.
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