Was bedeutet Kerckhoffs’ Principle?
Das International Software Architecture Qualification Board (ISAQB) definiert den Begriff „Kerckhoffs’ Principle“ wie folgt:
Unter Kerckhoffs’ Principle versteht man „
One of the six cryptographic axioms described 1883 in an article “L
cryptographie militaire” by the dutch cryptographer and linguist August
Kerckhoffs. This axiom is still relevant today and therefore refered to a
“Kerckhoffs’ Principle”.It describes that a cryptographic method must not need to be kept secret i
order to achive the security of the encrypted messages.“The enemy knows the system” is another expression coined by the mathematicia
Claude Shannon as Shannon’s Maxim.See Bruce Schneiers Crypto-Gram, May 15, 2002
Category: Security
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