In this masterclass, leadership will investigate the intricacies of emotional intelligence, unlocking the secrets to building resilient, high-performing teams and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability in leadership.

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  • 2 days
    In this masterclass, leadership will investigate the intricacies of emotional intelligence, unlocking the secrets to building resilient, high-performing teams and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability in leadership.

In the sphere of contemporary leadership, the ability to lead with emotional intelligence stands as a defining trait of successful executives. As senior leaders, navigating the complexities of modern business requires more than just technical proficiency; it necessitates a profound understanding of human dynamics and emotional resonance. This masterclass offers a transformative journey tailored for board-level executives, providing invaluable insights and tools to elevate their leadership expertise to higher levels.

Amidst the fast-paced and often turbulent nature of today's corporate environment, the capacity to harness emotional intelligence becomes vital for achieving sustained success and impact. This masterclass isn't just about theory; it's a strategic investment in refining the essence of leadership—enabling senior managers to inspire, influence, and drive organisational excellence with clarity and finesse.

Through immersive experiences, peer-to-peer exchanges, and expert guidance, participants will investigate the intricacies of emotional intelligence, unlocking the secrets to building resilient, high-performing teams and fostering a culture of innovation and adaptability. This masterclass transcends conventional leadership training, offering an exclusive opportunity for senior executives to recalibrate their leadership approach, strengthen their impact, and lead with unparalleled authenticity and effectiveness on the boardroom stage and beyond.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Develop self-awareness and regulate emotions to foster better decision-making.
  • Recognise personal triggers and patterns of emotional response.
  • Cultivate empathy and build strong interpersonal relationships.
  • Understand the perspectives and emotions of others.
  • Strengthen communication skills to inspire trust and collaboration.
  • Foster a culture of resilience and adaptability within their teams.
  • Lead by example in embracing change and fostering a growth mindset.
  • Implement techniques for managing stress and maintaining composure under pressure.
Course Outline

Understanding Emotional Intelligence and its Impact on Leadership

  • Explore the core components of emotional intelligence (EI) and its relevance to effective leadership in today's business environment.
  • Examine case studies highlighting the tangible benefits of EI-driven leadership, from improved team performance to enhanced stakeholder relationships.

Developing Self-Awareness and Emotional Regulation

  • Assess personal strengths and areas for growth through self-assessment tools and feedback mechanisms.
  • Learn practical techniques for managing emotions under pressure, fostering resilience, and maintaining a calm and composed demeanour in high-stakes situations.

Cultivating Empathy and Building Strong Interpersonal Relationships

  • Deepen understanding of the perspectives and emotions of others through empathy-building exercises and forum theatre scenarios.
  • Develop communication strategies to foster trust, rapport, and collaboration within teams and across organisational hierarchies.

Fostering Resilience and Adaptability in Leadership

  • Acquire resilience-building techniques to navigate uncertainty, adversity, and change with confidence.
  • Cultivate a growth mindset and embrace challenges as opportunities for learning, growth, and innovation.

Effective Communication and Conflict Resolution Strategies

  • Hone communication skills to convey vision, values, and expectations with clarity and conviction.
  • Learn proven techniques for resolving conflicts constructively, fostering understanding, and achieving win-win outcomes.

Leading Change and Navigating Organisational Dynamics

  • Develop change leadership capabilities to inspire and mobilise teams through periods of transformation.
  • Navigate organisational politics and power dynamics with integrity, influence, and strategic acumen.

Coaching and Mentoring for Leadership Development

  • Explore the art of coaching and mentoring to unlock the full potential of individuals and teams.
  • Practice with coaching frameworks and tools to facilitate continuous learning, growth, and performance improvement.

Creating a Culture of Emotional Intelligence and High Performance

  • Explore strategies for embedding emotional intelligence principles into organisational culture and leadership practices.
  • Foster an environment of psychological safety, trust, and collaboration to unleash the collective potential of your team and drive sustained high performance.

Participants attending this programme are encouraged to research Emotional Intelligence and form an opinion on how, by applying this subject matter into their day-to-day routine, may have a positive impact on their performance.

Related Certifications

The full suite of 12 High Performance Board Level Masterclasses have been designed to be complementary and all are consistent with supporting the continuous professional development of participants.

Who should attend?

This masterclass is promoted within our suite of ‘Board level’ leadership development options. It is therefore recommended that participants attending, are currently operating at a senior level of leadership, with a view to further develop their skills and competencies within the leadership arena.

Your benefits at a glance

Organisational Impact

By attending this programme, your organisation will obtain the following commercial advantages:

  • Enhanced employee engagement and retention.
  • Improved team collaboration and cohesion.
  • Increased productivity and innovation.
  • Strengthened leadership pipeline.
  • Enhanced organisational resilience in the face of challenges.

Personal Impact

By attending this programme, you will acquire the following personal benefits:

  • Greater self-awareness and emotional regulation.
  • Improved communication and conflict resolution skills.
  • Enhanced leadership presence and influence.
  • Increased confidence in decision-making.
  • Greater satisfaction and fulfilment in your role.

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