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  • Agile Bootcamp

    2 days
    A two day practical workshop covering the foundations of Agile.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=93 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/93-agile-bootcamp/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • BCS Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing

    3 days
    A three day course plus separate exam session. This course leads to the BCS Intermediate Certificate in Software Testing examination which provides essential knowledge and skills for both test analysts and test managers. The testing skills and knowledge acquired by attending this courses are applicable to the wide range of testing challenges that test analysts and test managers face on complex modern software testing projects.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=146 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/146-bcs-intermediate-certificate-in-software-testing/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • Docker Essentials

    2 days
    This course is meant for anyone looking to improve the way they build and distribute applications. The course will show you how to build and run Docker containers so you can start using Docker for your web apps. You will learn the Docker Fundamentals and how to dockerize your own web apps. This will include how o build and run Docker containers so you can start using Docker for your web apps. This course is meant for anyone looking to improve the way they build and distribute applications.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=262 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/262-docker-essentials/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • Fundamentals of Testing - Practical

    2 days
    With the ever present need to shift left and capture defects earlier, capturing defects in the requirements stage is highly valuable. This practical guide is suitable for candidates that are new to the testing industry and require a guide on how to convert requirements from spec documents to actual tests to be run.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=264 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/264-fundamentals-of-testing-practical/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • Git / GitHub Version Control

    1 day
    Our Git training course covers all the basics that test automators and developers need to know so that they can use Git in their regular development work. It introduces concepts such as workflows necessary to understand distributed version control and how it enables greater collaboration and more frequent code merges. Git is a key tool in a continuous integration and continuous delivery. The course also includes an overview on using GitHub
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=263 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/263-git-github-version-control/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • Good Consultant Skills

    2 days
    The Consultancy Skills course aims to ensure that all consultants adopt professional approaches which support an organisations brand identity. Consultants will also be made aware of and have an opportunity to rehearse “best practice” consultancy skills throughout the course.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=260 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/260-good-consultant-skills/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • Introduction to BDD-Gherkin

    1 day
    This training course will give you the skills to implement Behaviour Driven Development (BDD) feature files in your software product development projects, with the aid of a “story-based” framework
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=258 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/258-introduction-to-bdd-gherkin/region-ZA/ Show all dates
  • Agile Requirements Engineering

    2 days
    Eine praxisbezogene Einführung in Requirements Engineering im agilen Kontext
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=284 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/284-agile-requirements-engineering/region-DE/ Show all dates
  • IREB CPRE Advanced Level RE@Agile

    3 days
    Das RE@Agile Advanced Level Modul richtet sich an Requirements Engineers und Experten für agile Entwicklungsprozesse. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf dem Verständnis und der Anwendung von Verfahren und Techniken aus der Disziplin des Requirements Engineering in agilen Entwicklungsprozessen sowie auf dem Verständnis und der Anwendung von Konzepten, Techniken und essenziellen Prozesselementen agiler Ansätze in Requirements-Engineering Prozessen.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=273 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/273-ireb-cpre-advanced-level-reagile/region-DE/ Show all dates
  • iSAQB® Certified Professional for Software Architecture - Foundation Level (CPSA-F)

    4 days
    The structure of a software system reflects its architecture. Each system has a specific architecture, whether achieved in a planned or an unplanned manner. High-quality architecture is the key aspect of the success of any development project. It ensures the operability, maintainability and the long-term protection of your investment.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=274 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/274-isaqb-certified-professional-for-software-architecture-foundation-level-cpsa-f/region-DE/ Show all dates
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