This masterclass will allow participants to realise their personal growth and higher personal standards to fulfil their potential in business and in life.

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  • 2 days
    This masterclass will allow participants to realise their personal growth and higher personal standards to fulfil their potential in business and in life.

This masterclass enables ambitious executives and next-generation senior leaders to learn how to get the best out of themselves - as a leader, an executive, a colleague, a spouse, a parent, and as a friend.

For most people, it’s normal to strive for improved professional growth and higher personal standards, whether that be at work, at home and in all aspects of their life. Some of this drive for improvement is a result of peer pressure, some by the personal demands placed on oneself. However, can this desire for improved personal growth and higher personal standards be realised? and if so, how can this be achieved?

Irrespective of your talents and your industry sector, this program teaches you the philosophy of performance improvement and the methods and coaching that will help you become the best you want to be in your business and personal life.

There may never be a course with a higher personal Return on Investment than this one!  The process balances and integrates all areas of your life - we call this Winning Without Losing.

This is a self-leadership program for those who want to win in business without losing in life. Delegates will learn how to plan and achieve their true potential progressively in both areas simultaneously. It’s about learning how to achieve both professional and personal goals in balance, without one compromising the other and integrating both short-term and long-term goals.

Using key transferable principles from elite sport and other performance environments, we equip participants to become Performance Director of their own lives and identify the individualised performance habits across 32 different performance areas that will underpin their ability to meet challenges, achieve their goals, and propel them to where they always wanted to be. It’s never too late to learn how to make the best of yourself forever!

Course Objectives

On completion of this masterclass, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand how much of your potential you are already using
  • Explain our key concepts and philosophies underpinning long-term human performance development
  • Show how you can best meet your challenges and achieve your long and short-term goals both personally and professionally
  • Avoid burnout or recover from it
  • Optimise your energy capacities
  • Plan continuously to build your capacities, abilities and results
  • Optimise 24 specific sub-capacities that you can manage and build for self-leadership
  • Synergise your accelerated development across eight specific sporting principles and three overarching principles to meet the context of your own life and purpose
  • Help your colleagues to meet their full potential.
Course Outline

Introducing the Business Athlete® methodology. Where are you Now? Goalsetting approaches.

  • Introductions and agreements, confidentiality, familiarisation, working together
  • Initial Goalsetting
  • Initial Self-Benchmarking: The Business Athlete Profiling Tool
  • The Business Athlete Philosophy, Model and Process.

Your Goals, Purpose and Energy relative to the Demands upon You.

  • Purpose, Goals and Energy
  • The Criticality of Performance Demands and Events
  • Understanding your Personalised Online Report

The Four Critical Capacities and their 24 Sub-Capacities

  • Physical Energy and Sub-Capacities
  • Mental/Cognitive Energy and Sub-Capacities
  • Emotional Energy and Sub-Capacities
  • Spiritual/Transpersonal Energy and Sub-Capacities
  • Integrating and Synergising Your Plan - Eight specific principles for Performance Planning

Putting It All Together

  • Integrating and Synergising Your Plan - Eight specific principles for Performance Planning (continued)
  • Practicum – testing each other’s plans and improving our own.

Developing an Ongoing Spiral of Constant Improvement, and Helping Others Meet their Potential

  • What’s Changed for You? - Final Self-Benchmarking with The Business Athlete Profiling Tool
  • Planning for Performance Monitoring and Modification over Time
  • Planning for Progressive Self-Dependence over Time
  • Team Profiling and How to be a Great Leader and Manager using Business Athlete® principles
  • Conclusions, Summary End.

Participants attending this programme are encouraged to research "How to Fulfil your Potential in Business and in Life" and form an opinion on how, by applying this subject matter into their day-to-day routine, may have a positive impact on their performance.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Executive Presence and Personal Branding Powerful Presenting for Leaders.
Who should attend?

This masterclass is promoted within our suite of ‘Board level’ leadership development options. It is therefore recommended that participants attending, are currently operating at a senior level of leadership, with a view to further develop their skills and competencies within the leadership arena.

Your benefits at a glance

Organisational Impact

By attending this programme, your organisation will obtain the following commercial advantages:

By enrolling delegates onto this masterclass, the organization will benefit from a more inspired and committed staff, better able to excel in all areas of their professional career and personal life.  In addition, the organization will gain increased levels of engagement from staff, who will be less likely to leave their employment, thus reducing the risk of losing high calibre employees.

Personal Impact

By attending this programme, you will acquire the following personal benefits:

  • Greater self-awareness of your personal potential.
  • Improved communication and influencing resolution skills.
  • Enhanced leadership presence and influence.
  • Increased confidence and self-belief.
  • Greater satisfaction and fulfilment in your role.

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