This workshop is a mini MBA and provides a condensed yet thorough understanding of essential elements in Finance, Risk Management, and Corporate Governance.

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  • 1 day
    This workshop is a mini MBA and provides a condensed yet thorough understanding of essential elements in Finance, Risk Management, and Corporate Governance.

This comprehensive training program provides participants with a condensed yet thorough understanding of essential elements in Finance, Risk Management, and Corporate Governance. Through a blend of theoretical concepts and practical applications, attendees will gain invaluable insights into navigating financial landscapes, mitigating risks, and fostering sound corporate governance practices to drive organisational success.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Finance Fundamentals
    • Grasp key financial principles and terminology.
    • Understand financial statements' interpretation and analysis.
  • Risk Assessment and Management
    • Identify different types of risks in business operations.
    • Learn strategies to assess, mitigate, and manage risks effectively.
  • Corporate Governance Principles
    • Comprehend the significance of corporate governance in organisational sustainability.
    • Explore frameworks for implementing and monitoring corporate governance practices.
  • Financial Decision Making
    • Gain insights into capital budgeting and investment analysis.
    • Understand the process of financial decision-making within organisations.
  • Risk Mitigation Strategies
    • Explore hedging techniques and risk transfer mechanisms.
    • Develop risk mitigation plans tailored to specific organisational needs.
  • Ethics and Compliance
    • Examine ethical considerations in finance and corporate governance.
    • Understand regulatory compliance requirements and their implications.
Course Outline

Introduction to Finance

  • Financial markets and instruments
  • Time value of money and valuation techniques

Risk Management Frameworks

  • Types of risks and their identification
  • Risk assessment methodologies and tools

Corporate Governance Practices

  • Roles and responsibilities of stakeholders
  • Board structures and best practices

Financial Analysis and Decision Making

  • Financial statement analysis
  • Capital budgeting techniques

Risk Mitigation Strategies

  • Hedging strategies
  • Insurance and alternative risk transfer methods

Ethics, Compliance, and Reporting

  • Ethical considerations in finance
  • Regulatory compliance and reporting requirements

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Managing Time & Tasks Effectively
Who should attend?

Professionals seeking to enhance their knowledge and skills in finance, risk management, and corporate governance will benefit greatly from this program. Executives, managers, analysts, and those aspiring for leadership roles across various industries will find this training instrumental in advancing their careers.

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