In this workshop you will learn the key principles of performance management and how to conduct constructive performance reviews that motivate and inspire your team. You will explore techniques for giving feedback, setting SMART goals, and addressing performance challenges.

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  • 1 day
    In this workshop you will learn the key principles of performance management and how to conduct constructive performance reviews that motivate and inspire your team. You will explore techniques for giving feedback, setting SMART goals, and addressing performance challenges.

Welcome to the "Managing Effective Performance Reviews" training program! Performance reviews are essential for providing feedback, setting goals, and fostering employee development. This one-day workshop is designed to equip you with the skills and strategies to conduct meaningful and effective performance reviews that lead to improved employee performance and engagement.

During this training, you will learn the key principles of performance management and how to conduct constructive performance reviews that motivate and inspire your team. You will explore techniques for giving feedback, setting SMART goals, and addressing performance challenges. Through interactive exercises and role-plays, you will practice effective communication and coaching to support employee growth and development.

By the end of this program, you will be empowered to conduct performance reviews confidently, facilitate productive discussions, and enhance overall team performance.

Join us for a transformative learning experience that will enable you to become a proficient performance reviewer and empower your team to achieve excellence.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the Importance of Effective Performance Reviews:
    • Recognise the benefits of conducting regular and constructive performance reviews.
    • Understand the impact of performance reviews on employee engagement and development.
  • Conduct Constructive Performance Reviews:
    • Develop the skills to conduct performance reviews that focus on growth and improvement.
    • Learn techniques for structuring performance review discussions.
  • Provide Constructive and Effective Feedback:
    • Explore methods for giving feedback that motivates and supports employee growth.
    • Develop communication strategies for addressing performance challenges.
  • Set SMART Goals for Employee Development:
    • Understand the principles of setting Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound (SMART) goals.
    • Learn how to align employee goals with organisational objectives.
  • Foster a Coaching and Developmental Culture:
    • Encourage a culture of continuous feedback and coaching within the organisation.
    • Develop coaching skills to support employee development and skill enhancement.
  • Handle Challenging Performance Conversations:
    • Learn techniques for managing difficult performance discussions with sensitivity and professionalism.
    • Implement strategies to address performance issues and offer solutions.
Course Outline

Introduction to Effective Performance Reviews

  • Understanding the importance of performance reviews in employee development
  • Recognising the benefits of conducting constructive performance reviews

Conducting Constructive Performance Reviews

  • Developing skills for structuring and conducting effective performance review discussions
  • Creating a positive and supportive review environment

Providing Constructive and Effective Feedback

  • Techniques for giving feedback that motivates and supports employee growth
  • Addressing performance challenges with constructive communication

Setting SMART Goals for Employee Development

  • Understanding the principles of setting SMART goals
  • Aligning employee goals with organisational objectives

Fostering a Coaching and Developmental Culture

  • Encouraging continuous feedback and coaching within the organisation
  • Developing coaching skills to support employee development

Handling Challenging Performance Conversations

  • Techniques for managing difficult performance discussions with sensitivity
  • Addressing performance issues and offering solutions

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

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Who should attend?

This program is suitable for managers, supervisors, team leaders, and anyone responsible for conducting performance reviews and providing feedback to employees. Whether you are new to performance management or seeking to enhance your performance review capabilities, this training will provide you with essential tools and strategies to conduct effective and constructive performance reviews. If you are committed to fostering a culture of growth and development within your team, this program is ideal for you.

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