In this workshop, you will gain clarity on your values and their impact on career choices, relationships, and personal growth.

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  • 1 day
    In this workshop, you will gain clarity on your values and their impact on career choices, relationships, and personal growth.

Welcome to the "Identifying Our Personal Values" training program! This enlightening one-day workshop is designed to guide participants on a journey of self-discovery to identify and understand their core personal values. Personal values are the fundamental beliefs and principles that guide our decisions, actions, and priorities in life.

In this training, you will explore the importance of aligning actions with values to enhance personal fulfilment and well-being. Through introspective exercises and group discussions, you will gain clarity on your values and their impact on various aspects of your life, including career choices, relationships, and personal growth.

By the end of this program, you will have a deeper understanding of your authentic self and be equipped to make choices and decisions that align with your values, leading to a more purposeful and meaningful life.

Whether you are seeking greater clarity in life, career direction, or personal growth, this program will empower you to identify and live in harmony with your personal values.

Join us for an insightful and transformative learning experience that will enable you to uncover the guiding principles that shape your life's path.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Define the Concept of Personal Values:
    • Understand the meaning and significance of personal values in shaping life choices.
    • Recognise how personal values impact decision-making and actions.
  • Conduct a Values Self-Assessment:
    • Identify and articulate personal values through introspective exercises.
    • Evaluate the alignment of current life choices with identified values.
  • Understand the Connection between Values and Personal Fulfilment:
    • Explore the link between living in alignment with personal values and achieving fulfilment.
    • Recognise the impact of incongruence between values and actions on well-being.
  • Apply Values-Based Decision-Making:
    • Use personal values as a compass to make ethical and meaningful decisions.
    • Evaluate the alignment of potential choices with core values.
  • Integrate Personal Values into Career and Relationships:
    • Align career aspirations with personal values to find purpose and satisfaction.
    • Build and nurture relationships that respect and honour shared values.
  • Develop a Values-Driven Action Plan:
    • Create an action plan to align life choices and actions with identified personal values.
    • Commit to living authentically and purposefully based on core values.
Course Outline

Introduction to Identifying Our Personal Values

  • Defining the concept of personal values and their significance in life choices
  • Recognising the impact of personal values on decision-making and actions

Conducting a Values Self-Assessment

  • Identifying and articulating personal values through introspective exercises
  • Evaluating the alignment of current life choices with identified values

Understanding the Connection between Values and Personal Fulfilment

  • Exploring the link between living in alignment with personal values and achieving fulfilment
  • Recognising the impact of incongruence between values and actions on well-being

Applying Values-Based Decision-Making

  • Using personal values as a compass to make ethical and meaningful decisions
  • Evaluating the alignment of potential choices with core values

Integrating Personal Values into Career and Relationships

  • Aligning career aspirations with personal values to find purpose and satisfaction
  • Building and nurturing relationships that respect and honour shared values

Developing a Values-Driven Action Plan

  • Creating an action plan to align life choices and actions with identified personal values
  • Committing to living authentically and purposefully based on core values

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Emotional Intelligence and Self-Mastery Psychology for Effective Leadership
Who should attend?

This program is suitable for individuals from all walks of life who seek greater self-awareness and clarity on their personal values. Whether you are a professional, student, manager, or anyone interested in personal growth and self-discovery, this training will benefit you if you aim to understand your core values and live in alignment with them.

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