In this workshop you will learn how to plan and organise meetings, set clear objectives, and ensure active participation and engagement from all meeting attendees.

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  • 1 day
    In this workshop you will learn how to plan and organise meetings, set clear objectives, and ensure active participation and engagement from all meeting attendees.

Welcome to the "Managing Productive Meetings" workshop! This intensive workshop is designed to equip participants with the skills and strategies to lead and participate in productive and effective meetings. Meetings are an essential part of any organisation, and when managed efficiently, they can drive collaboration, decision-making, and overall team productivity.

In this training, you will learn how to plan and organise meetings, set clear objectives, and ensure active participation and engagement from all attendees. By the end of this programme, you will be equipped to lead meetings that stay on track, accomplish their goals, and result in actionable outcomes. Additionally, you will gain insights into managing challenging meeting dynamics and fostering a positive and inclusive meeting culture.

Join us for an interactive and practical learning experience that will transform the way you approach meetings and maximise the productivity of your team. Together, let's create a meeting culture that promotes efficiency, collaboration, and meaningful results.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Plan and Prepare Effective Meetings:
    • Define clear meeting objectives and agendas.
    • Identify essential participants and communicate expectations.
  • Facilitate Engaging and Productive Meetings:
    • Utilise effective meeting facilitation techniques.
    • Encourage active participation and manage time effectively.
  • Foster a Positive Meeting Culture:
    • Create an inclusive and respectful environment for all attendees.
    • Manage conflicts and encourage constructive discussions.
  • Develop Action-Oriented Meeting Minutes:
    • Capture accurate and actionable meeting minutes.
    • Distribute minutes promptly and follow up on action items.
  • Handle Challenging Meeting Situations:
    • Manage disruptive behaviours and maintain meeting focus.
    • Handle conflicts and divergent opinions diplomatically.
  • Continuous Improvement of Meeting Practices:
    • Gather feedback and implement improvements to future meetings.
    • Optimise meeting efficiency and effectiveness over time.
Course Outline

Introduction to Productive Meetings

  • Importance of productive meetings in achieving team objectives
  • Common challenges in meeting management and their solutions

Planning and Preparing for Meetings

  • Defining meeting objectives and setting agendas
  • Identifying necessary participants and notifying attendees

Facilitating Engaging Meetings

  • Employing effective meeting facilitation techniques
  • Encouraging active participation and managing time efficiently

Fostering a Positive Meeting Culture

  • Creating an inclusive and respectful meeting environment
  • Managing conflicts and encouraging constructive discussions

Developing Action-Oriented Meeting Minutes

  • Capturing accurate and actionable meeting minutes
  • Distributing minutes promptly and following up on action items

Handling Challenging Meeting Situations

  • Managing disruptive behaviours and maintaining meeting focus
  • Handling conflicts and divergent opinions diplomatically

Continuous Improvement of Meeting Practices

  • Gathering feedback and implementing improvements
  • Optimising meeting efficiency and effectiveness over time

Empower yourself with the skills to lead and participate in productive meetings through this comprehensive masterclass. Join us to transform your meeting management practices and drive success in your team's collaboration and decision-making endeavours.


There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Developing Facilitation Skills
Who should attend?

This programme is designed for professionals at all levels who are involved in leading or participating in meetings regularly. Whether you are a team leader, manager, project manager, or team member, this training will benefit you by enhancing your meeting management skills and ensuring that your meetings become more productive and result oriented.

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