This workshop is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and techniques needed to conduct effective and insightful interviews and delves into the fundamentals of designing interview criteria, formulating competency-based questions, and evaluating candidates fairly.

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  • 1 day
    This workshop is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and techniques needed to conduct effective and insightful interviews and delves into the fundamentals of designing interview criteria, formulating competency-based questions, and evaluating candidates fairly.

Welcome to the "Criteria & Competency Based Interviewing Skills" workshop! This comprehensive workshop is designed to equip participants with the knowledge and techniques needed to conduct effective and insightful interviews. As the hiring process plays a critical role in an organisation's success, mastering the art of competency-based interviewing is essential for making informed and objective hiring decisions.

This training will delve into the fundamentals of designing interview criteria, formulating competency-based questions, and evaluating candidates fairly. By the end of this programme, you will have the skills to identify top talent that aligns with your organisation's values, culture, and job requirements. Whether you are a hiring manager, HR professional, or involved in the recruitment process, this training will empower you to conduct interviews that yield valuable insights and contribute to building high-performing teams.

Join us for an interactive and hands-on learning experience that will elevate your interviewing proficiency and revolutionise your approach to talent acquisition. Let's work together to ensure that your organisation attracts the right talent and secures a competitive advantage in today's dynamic job market.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand Criteria & Competency Based Interviewing:
    • Define the concept of competency-based interviewing and its benefits.
    • Identify the key competencies required for success in specific roles.
  • Develop Effective Interview Criteria:
    • Create clear and objective selection criteria for each role.
    • Align criteria with the organisation's strategic objectives and culture.
  • Formulate Competency-Based Questions:
    • Craft behavioural and situational questions that assess candidates' skills and experiences.
    • Design questions that encourage candidates to demonstrate their capabilities.
  • Conduct Structured and Consistent Interviews:
    • Implement a standardised approach to ensure fair and equitable assessments.
    • Use effective probing techniques to gather in-depth responses from candidates.
  • Evaluate and Score Candidates:
    • Employ a systematic scoring method to compare candidates objectively.
    • Make well-informed hiring decisions based on interview outcomes.
  • Enhance Candidate Experience and Employer Brand:
    • Create a positive and professional interview experience for candidates.

Contribute to building a strong employer brand that attracts top talent.

Course Outline

Introduction to Competency-Based Interviewing

  • Benefits of using competency-based interviews in the hiring process
  • Understanding the importance of aligning competencies with job requirements

Developing Effective Interview Criteria

  • Identifying relevant competencies for different roles
  • Translating organisational goals into measurable criteria

Formulating Competency-Based Questions

  • Crafting behavioural and situational questions to assess skills and behaviours
  • Designing questions that elicit specific examples of past experiences

Conducting Structured and Consistent Interviews

  • Creating a standardised interview process
  • Using probing techniques to gather comprehensive responses

Evaluating and Scoring Candidates

  • Implementing an objective evaluation system
  • Comparing candidate responses against established criteria

Enhancing Candidate Experience and Employer Brand

  • Creating a positive interview atmosphere for candidates
  • Understanding the impact of the interview process on the employer brand

Master the art of competency-based interviewing in this transformative masterclass and gain the expertise to make informed and successful hiring decisions. Join us in creating a robust talent acquisition process that brings the best-suited candidates into your organisation.


There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

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  • Developing Productive Conversations and Deep Listening
Who should attend?

This programme is tailored for professionals involved in the recruitment and selection process. Whether you are an HR manager, recruitment specialist, team leader, or manager responsible for hiring decisions, this training will equip you with the knowledge and skills to conduct competency-based interviews that lead to successful hiring outcomes.

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