A truly agile business must have an agile workforce. It prioritises the evolution of values, behaviours and capabilities within the organisation. These enable businesses and their employees to be more adaptive, creative and resilient when dealing with complexity, uncertainty and change. This ability to thrive during times of change leads to improved well-being and better outcomes. Our comprehensive suite of certified, internationally accredited training includes; Agile Fundamentals, Product Ownership, Change Management Practitioner, Agile Lean Scrum Master and SQL Fundamentals.

Select your region

  • Leading SAFe® 6.0

    2 full days
    Designed for senior executives, this course is also suited for anyone in an organisation needing a broad introduction to Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) in particular, and Lean/Agile thinking in general.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=379 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/379-leading-safe-6-0/region-NO/ Show all dates
  • Lean Portfolio Management (SAFe® 6.0)

    2 full days
    This course is designed for senior leaders and anyone who will be directly involved in the organisation, budgeting, and prioritisation for lean portfolios, value streams, trains and teams.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=381 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/381-lean-portfolio-management-safe-6-0/region-NO/ Show all dates
  • Product Ownership Bootcamp

    4 days LIVE online
    This bootcamp is about practicing and developing the different product ownership competences. It is for new as well as already experienced product owners and product managers. We will demonstrate different tools, techniques, and practices and tie them to principles and mindset great product owners and managers have. Delegates will undertake practical exercises to reinforce the learning process. The scope and content of this can be customised to suit your specific context and company requirements.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=314 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/314-product-ownership-bootcamp/region-NO/ Show all dates
  • Psychology of Communication Intelligence

    3 half days live online
    Expleo’s interactive Psychology of Communication course provides a starting point for your communication intelligence journey. Resonating with people empowers communication to build strong relationships. Communication enables all other skills particularly in this increasingly online/offsite world. Communication Intelligence + Resonate = reCInate.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=334 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/334-psychology-of-communication-intelligence/region-NO/ Show all dates
  • SAFe® 6.0 for Teams

    2 full days
    This course is designed for launching new teams and trains, for re-launching existing teams and trains, and for individuals preparing to join existing teams and trains.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=380 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/380-safe-6-0-for-teams/region-NO/ Show all dates
  • Scrum Master Bootcamp

    1 - 2 days Live Online
    This Bootcamp aims to invite your scrum masters and agile team coaches to form a community of learning, sharing, and growth also known as a Community of Practice (CoP). We will help you form this CoP and share our own wisdom and experience with you. The scope and content of this can be customised to suit your specific context and company requirements and so the duration may vary from 1 to 2 days.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=313 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/313-scrum-master-bootcamp/region-NO/ Show all dates
  • Writing User Stories Workshop

    2 half days LIVE online
    The aim of this one day workshop is to provide you with the necessary knowledge and tools to gather, write, and prioritise effective and accurate User Stories.
    https://expleoacademy.com/int/?object_post_type=event&arlo_id=278 https://expleoacademy.com/int/courses/278-writing-user-stories-workshop/region-NO/ Show all dates

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