In this workshop you will explore the key components of effective mentoring programs, learn how to match mentors and mentees, and develop strategies for program implementation and evaluation.

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  • 1 day
    In this workshop you will explore the key components of effective mentoring programs, learn how to match mentors and mentees, and develop strategies for program implementation and evaluation.

Welcome to the "Establishing an Internal Mentoring Programme" training program! Mentoring plays a crucial role in employee development, engagement, and retention. This one-day workshop is designed to help you understand the benefits of mentoring and guide you in establishing a successful internal mentoring program within your organisation.

During this training, you will explore the key components of effective mentoring programs, learn how to match mentors and mentees, and develop strategies for program implementation and evaluation. You will understand the role of mentors and mentees in the mentoring relationship and learn how to foster a supportive and empowering mentoring culture.

By the end of this program, you will be equipped to create a sustainable and impactful internal mentoring program that nurtures talent, fosters professional growth, and enhances overall organisational performance.

Join us for a transformative learning experience that will enable you to establish a thriving internal mentoring program and promote a culture of continuous learning and development.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the Importance of Internal Mentoring:
    • Recognise the benefits of an effective internal mentoring program for employee development and engagement.
    • Understand the role of mentoring in talent retention and succession planning.
  • Define the Components of a Successful Mentoring Program:
    • Learn the key elements of a well-structured mentoring program.
    • Identify the different types of mentoring relationships and their purposes.
  • Match Mentors and Mentees Effectively:
    • Develop strategies for matching mentors and mentees based on individual needs and goals.
    • Understand the importance of diversity and inclusion in mentorship.
  • Implement and Facilitate the Mentoring Program:
    • Plan and execute the mentoring program effectively.
    • Facilitate mentorship activities and support the mentoring relationship.
  • Evaluate and Enhance the Mentoring Program:
    • Develop methods to assess the effectiveness of the mentoring program.
    • Use feedback and evaluation to continuously improve the program.
  • Foster a Mentoring Culture within the Organisation:
    • Cultivate a culture that values mentoring and continuous learning.
    • Encourage mentorship at all levels to foster professional growth.
Course Outline

Introduction to Internal Mentoring and Its Benefits

  • Understanding the importance of mentoring in employee development and engagement
  • Recognising the impact of a successful mentoring program on organisational performance

Components of an Effective Mentoring Program

  • Key elements of a well-structured mentoring program
  • Types of mentoring relationships and their purposes

Effective Mentor-Mentee Matching

  • Strategies for matching mentors and mentees based on individual needs and goals
  • Emphasising diversity and inclusion in mentorship

Implementing and Facilitating the Mentoring Program

  • Planning and executing the mentoring program effectively
  • Facilitating mentorship activities and supporting mentor-mentee relationships

Evaluating and Enhancing the Mentoring Program

  • Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the mentoring program
  • Using feedback and evaluation to continuously improve the program

Fostering a Mentoring Culture within the Organisation

  • Cultivating a culture that values mentoring and continuous learning
  • Encouraging mentorship at all levels to foster professional growth

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Achieving Personal & Professional Excellence
Who should attend?

This program is suitable for HR professionals, talent development managers, supervisors, and organisational leaders responsible for establishing and managing mentoring programs within their organisation. Whether you are looking to initiate a mentoring program or seeking to enhance your existing program, this training will provide you with essential tools and strategies to establish a successful internal mentoring program. If you are committed to nurturing talent and fostering a culture of learning and development, this program is ideal for you.

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