This workshop is designed to support you as a new manager, equipping you with knowledge and skills for successful management and leadership.

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  • 1 day
    This workshop is designed to support you as a new manager, equipping you with knowledge and skills for successful management and leadership.

Congratulations on your new role as a manager! The "New to Management – Building Trust and Followship" training programme is specifically designed to support you in successfully transitioning into a managerial position and building strong relationships with your team. As a new manager, gaining the trust and followship of your team is essential for effective leadership and team performance.

In this one-day training, you will explore the key principles of building trust and fostering a positive work environment. You will learn communication techniques that promote transparency, active listening, and understanding. Through interactive exercises and case studies, you will gain insights into building credibility as a leader and inspiring your team to follow your guidance.

By the end of this programme, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills to establish trust with your team, foster strong followship, and lay the foundation for successful management and leadership.

Whether you are new to management or seeking to enhance your leadership skills, this training will provide you with the tools and confidence to navigate the managerial role with authenticity and build strong, cohesive teams.

Join us for a transformative learning experience that will enable you to build trust, inspire followship, and achieve success as a new manager.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the Importance of Trust in Leadership:
    • Recognise the impact of trust on team performance and organisational success.
    • Appreciate the role of trust in building strong leadership relationships.
  • Develop Effective Communication and Listening Skills:
    • Master communication techniques that promote transparency and open dialogue.
    • Practice active listening to understand team members' needs and concerns.
  • Build Credibility as a Leader:
    • Identify strategies to build credibility and demonstrate integrity in your managerial role.
    • Communicate with authenticity and consistency to gain team members' trust.
  • Foster a Positive Work Environment:
    • Create a positive and inclusive work environment that fosters trust and collaboration.
    • Implement strategies to promote teamwork and a sense of belonging among team members.
  • Inspire Followship and Motivation:
    • Develop leadership qualities that inspire team members to follow your guidance.
    • Implement motivational techniques to drive team engagement and productivity.
  • Address Challenges and Conflict with Confidence:
    • Gain skills in managing challenging situations and addressing conflicts constructively.
    • Apply conflict resolution strategies to maintain trust and harmony within the team.
Course Outline

Introduction to Building Trust and Followship as a New Manager

  • Recognising the importance of trust and followship in effective leadership
  • Understanding the challenges and opportunities of transitioning into a managerial role

Developing Effective Communication and Listening Skills

  • Mastering communication techniques that promote transparency and understanding
  • Practicing active listening to build rapport and trust with team members

Building Credibility and Demonstrating Integrity

  • Identifying strategies to establish credibility and trust as a new manager
  • Communicating authentically and consistently to gain team members' confidence

Fostering a Positive Work Environment

  • Creating an inclusive and supportive work environment that fosters trust and collaboration
  • Implementing strategies to promote teamwork and a sense of belonging

Inspiring Followship and Motivation

  • Developing leadership qualities that inspire team members to follow your guidance
  • Applying motivational techniques to enhance team engagement and productivity

Addressing Challenges and Conflict with Confidence

  • Gaining skills in managing challenging situations and addressing conflicts constructively
  • Applying conflict resolution strategies to maintain trust and harmony within the team

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Developing Productive Conversations and Deep Listening
Who should attend?

This programme is designed for new managers, supervisors, team leaders, or anyone transitioning into a managerial role. If you are looking to build trust, establish yourself as a credible leader, and foster followship within your team, this training is ideal for you. Whether you are leading a small team or a larger department, this programme will provide you with essential leadership skills to succeed in your new managerial position.

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