In this workshop, you will learn the principles of delivering feedback effectively, methods to provide specific and actionable feedback, and strategies to handle challenging feedback situations.

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  • 1 day
    In this workshop, you will learn the principles of delivering feedback effectively, methods to provide specific and actionable feedback, and strategies to handle challenging feedback situations.

Welcome to the "Providing High Performance Feedback" training program! This comprehensive one-day workshop is designed to equip participants with the skills and techniques to deliver constructive and impactful feedback that drives high performance and professional growth. Effective feedback is essential in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and supporting individuals to reach their full potential.

In this training, you will learn the principles of delivering feedback effectively, methods to provide specific and actionable feedback, and strategies to handle challenging feedback situations. By the end of this program, you will have the confidence and capability to provide high-performance feedback that inspires positive change and drives results.

Whether you are a manager, team leader, supervisor, or anyone involved in evaluating performance and providing feedback, this program will empower you to become a skilled feedback provider, fostering a high-performance culture in your organisation.

Join us for an interactive and transformative learning experience that will elevate your feedback-giving skills and enable you to make a lasting impact on the performance and development of your team members.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the Importance of High-Performance Feedback:
    • Define the significance of constructive feedback in enhancing performance and development.
    • Recognise the benefits of a feedback-driven culture in achieving organisational goals.
  • Develop Effective Feedback Delivery Techniques:
    • Apply the SBI (Situation-Behaviour-Impact) model to structure feedback conversations.
    • Utilise active listening and empathy to enhance feedback effectiveness.
  • Provide Specific and Actionable Feedback:
    • Deliver feedback that is specific, clear, and actionable.
    • Assist individuals in creating actionable plans for improvement.
  • Handle Challenging Feedback Situations:
    • Manage emotional responses and defensiveness during feedback conversations.
    • Apply strategies to address resistance and facilitate open communication.
  • Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement:
    • Cultivate an environment that encourages regular and constructive feedback.
    • Demonstrate the value of feedback in driving individual and team growth.
  • Implement Feedback Best Practices:
    • Incorporate ongoing feedback practices into performance management systems.
    • Encourage a culture of peer-to-peer feedback for continuous learning.
Course Outline

Introduction to Providing High Performance Feedback

  • Understanding the importance of constructive feedback in enhancing performance and development
  • Recognising the benefits of a feedback-driven culture in achieving organisational goals

Developing Effective Feedback Delivery Techniques

  • Applying the SBI (Situation-Behaviour-Impact) model to structure feedback conversations
  • Utilising active listening and empathy to enhance feedback effectiveness

Providing Specific and Actionable Feedback

  • Delivering feedback that is specific, clear, and actionable
  • Assisting individuals in creating actionable plans for improvement

Handling Challenging Feedback Situations

  • Managing emotional responses and defensiveness during feedback conversations
  • Applying strategies to address resistance and facilitate open communication

Fostering a Culture of Continuous Improvement

  • Cultivating an environment that encourages regular and constructive feedback
  • Demonstrating the value of feedback in driving individual and team growth

Implementing Feedback Best Practices

  • Incorporating ongoing feedback practices into performance management systems
  • Encouraging a culture of peer-to-peer feedback for continuous learning

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

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  • Developing Productive Conversations and Deep Listening
Who should attend?

This program is suitable for professionals from all industries and roles who are involved in evaluating performance and providing feedback. Whether you are a manager, team leader, supervisor, human resources professional, or individual contributor responsible for providing feedback, this training will benefit you if you aim to become an effective feedback provider and drive high performance within your team or organisation.

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