This workshop covers proven techniques to identify problems, analyse situations, and develop innovative solutions.

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  • 1 day
    This workshop covers proven techniques to identify problems, analyse situations, and develop innovative solutions.

Welcome to the "Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making" training program! This stimulating one-day workshop is designed to equip participants with the skills and mindset to approach problem-solving and decision-making with creativity and innovation. In today's dynamic and complex business landscape, the ability to think critically, generate creative solutions, and make informed decisions is essential for personal and organisational success.

In this training, you will learn proven techniques to identify problems, analyse situations, and develop innovative solutions. By the end of this program, you will have the confidence and capability to make effective decisions and lead your team through challenges with clarity and ingenuity.

Whether you are a business professional, manager, team leader, or individual contributor seeking to enhance your problem-solving and decision-making abilities, this program will empower you to harness creativity as a powerful tool for success.

Join us for an interactive and transformative learning experience that will elevate your problem-solving skills and decision-making ability, making you a valuable asset in any organisation.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the Foundations of Creative Problem Solving:
    • Recognise the significance of creative problem-solving in personal and professional contexts.
    • Identify barriers to creative thinking and methods to overcome them.
  • Apply Systematic Problem-Solving Approaches:
    • Utilise structured techniques to define problems and analyse root causes.
    • Generate diverse solutions using brainstorming and ideation methods.
  • Foster a Culture of Innovation:
    • Develop a mindset that encourages experimentation and risk-taking.
    • Cultivate an environment that supports creative thinking and idea sharing.
  • Enhance Decision-Making Skills:
    • Analyse information effectively to make well-informed decisions.
    • Apply decision-making models to evaluate options and potential outcomes.
  • Implement Creative Solutions with Confidence:
    • Develop an action plan to implement creative solutions effectively.
    • Overcome resistance and challenges to creative solutions.
  • Evaluate and Improve Problem-Solving Processes:
    • Assess the effectiveness of problem-solving and decision-making strategies.
    • Implement strategies for continuous improvement and learning.
Course Outline

Introduction to Creative Problem Solving & Decision Making

  • Understanding the significance of creative problem-solving in personal and professional contexts
  • Identifying barriers to creative thinking and methods to overcome them

Applying Systematic Problem-Solving Approaches

  • Utilising structured techniques to define problems and analyse root causes
  • Generating diverse solutions using brainstorming and ideation methods

Fostering a Culture of Innovation

  • Developing a mindset that encourages experimentation and risk-taking
  • Cultivating an environment that supports creative thinking and idea sharing

Enhancing Decision-Making Skills

  • Analysing information effectively to make well-informed decisions
  • Applying decision-making models to evaluate options and potential outcomes

Implementing Creative Solutions with Confidence

  • Developing an action plan to implement creative solutions effectively
  • Overcoming resistance and challenges to creative solutions

Evaluating and Improving Problem-Solving Processes

  • Assessing the effectiveness of problem-solving and decision-making strategies
  • Implementing strategies for continuous improvement and learning

There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

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Who should attend?

This program is suitable for professionals from all industries and roles who want to enhance their problem-solving and decision-making skills. Whether you are a team leader, manager, project manager, or individual contributor, this training will benefit you if you aim to approach challenges with creativity and make informed decisions that drive positive outcomes.

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