This workshop will empower you with the necessary tools to build strong relationships with your clients, identify business challenges, and provide actionable solutions.

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  • 1 day
    This workshop will empower you with the necessary tools to build strong relationships with your clients, identify business challenges, and provide actionable solutions.

Welcome to "The Internal Consultant – Skills Development" workshop! This dynamic workshop is designed to equip internal consultants with the essential skills and competencies required to excel in their roles. Whether you are a Human Resources professional, an IT expert, or any other internal specialist providing valuable expertise within your organisation, this training will enhance your consulting capabilities and enable you to deliver greater value to your clients and stakeholders.

As internal consultants, you play a critical role in bridging the gap between specialised knowledge and business needs. This training will empower you with the necessary tools to build strong relationships with your clients, identify business challenges, and provide actionable solutions. Through interactive exercises and practical case studies, you will gain insights into effective consulting techniques, communication strategies, and project management skills, allowing you to thrive in your role as a trusted advisor.

Join us for a transformative learning experience that will elevate your consulting abilities and positively impact your organisation's success. Let's embark on this journey together to unlock your full potential as an internal consultant and drive positive change within your organisation.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Understand the Role of an Internal Consultant:
    • Define the responsibilities and key functions of an internal consultant.
    • Recognise the value and impact of effective internal consulting on the organisation.
  • Build Effective Client Relationships:
    • Establish rapport with clients and stakeholders to foster productive partnerships.
    • Employ active listening and empathy to understand client needs and expectations.
  • Apply Consulting Models and Frameworks:
    • Utilise proven consulting frameworks to structure projects and problem-solving processes.
    • Analyse complex issues and provide data-driven recommendations.
  • Enhance Communication and Presentation Skills:
    • Communicate complex ideas and recommendations clearly and persuasively.
    • Tailor communication style to resonate with different audiences.
  • Navigate Challenging Situations:
    • Manage resistance and conflicts during consulting engagements.
    • Develop strategies to address resistance and gain buy-in from stakeholders.
  • Implement Effective Project Management:
    • Plan and execute consulting projects with efficiency and effectiveness.
    • Monitor progress and evaluate outcomes to drive continuous improvement.
Course Outline

Introduction to Internal Consulting

  • Defining the role and importance of internal consultants
  • Differentiating internal consulting from other roles

Building Client Relationships

  • Establishing trust and credibility with internal clients
  • Practicing active listening and understanding client needs

Consulting Models and Tools

  • Exploring various consulting frameworks and methodologies
  • Applying tools for problem-solving and decision-making

Effective Communication and Presentation

  • Enhancing communication skills for impactful consulting
  • Crafting persuasive presentations and reports

Navigating Challenges and Resistance

  • Identifying potential challenges and resistance points
  • Developing strategies to address and overcome obstacles

Project Management for Consultants

  • Planning and organising consulting projects
  • Monitoring progress and evaluating outcomes

Join us for this empowering training experience, and let's elevate your internal consulting skills to new heights together!


There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • Human Relations and Interpersonal Skills
Who should attend?

This programme is designed for professionals currently working or transitioning into internal consulting roles within their organisations. Whether you are from HR, IT, finance, operations, or any other specialised area, this training will benefit you if you provide expertise and support to internal clients, projects, or initiatives.

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