In this workshop, you will learn techniques to organise your ideas effectively in public speaking and engage your audience with persuasive communication.

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  • 1 day
    In this workshop, you will learn techniques to organise your ideas effectively in public speaking and engage your audience with persuasive communication.

Welcome to the "Preparing for Public Speaking" workshop! This intensive workshop is designed to empower participants with the skills and confidence to deliver compelling and impactful public speeches. Public speaking is a critical skill in various professional and personal settings and mastering it can open doors to new opportunities and strengthen one's influence and leadership.

In this training, you will learn essential techniques to overcome stage fright, organise your ideas effectively, and engage your audience with persuasive communication. Whether you are a seasoned speaker looking to refine your skills or a novice seeking to build a strong foundation, this programme will provide you with the tools to create memorable presentations and connect with your audience on a deeper level.

By the end of this programme, you will be equipped to captivate your audience, deliver powerful speeches with clarity and poise, and leave a lasting impression on any platform. Join us for an interactive and supportive learning experience that will transform your public speaking abilities and help you become a confident and impactful communicator.

Course Objectives

On completion of this training, attendees will be able to:

  • Overcome Public Speaking Anxiety:
    • Understand the root causes of stage fright and strategies to manage it.
    • Build self-confidence and composure to deliver speeches with ease.
  • Structure Effective Speeches:
    • Organise ideas coherently to deliver a clear and persuasive message.
    • Craft impactful openings and compelling conclusions.
  • Engage and Connect with the Audience:
    • Employ techniques to capture and maintain audience attention.
    • Use storytelling and audience interaction to enhance engagement.
  • Enhance Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication:
    • Master vocal delivery, pace, and tone for impactful communication.
    • Utilise body language and gestures to reinforce key points.
  • Handle Q&A Sessions with Finesse:
    • Anticipate and prepare for potential questions from the audience.
    • Respond confidently and thoughtfully during Q&A interactions.
  • Develop Your Personal Speaking Style:
    • Discover and refine your unique speaking style and authentic presence.
    • Adapt your communication to different speaking environments and audiences.
Course Outline

Introduction to Public Speaking

  • Understanding the significance of public speaking in personal and professional growth
  • Identifying common challenges and motivations for improving public speaking

Overcoming Public Speaking Anxiety

  • Exploring the root causes of stage fright and techniques to manage it
  • Building self-confidence and adopting a positive mindset for public speaking

Structuring Effective Speeches

  • Organising ideas coherently to deliver a clear and persuasive message
  • Crafting impactful openings and conclusions to captivate the audience

Engaging and Connecting with the Audience

  • Capturing and maintaining audience attention through engaging techniques
  • Utilising storytelling and audience interaction to enhance connection

Enhancing Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

  • Mastering vocal delivery, pace, and tone for impactful communication
  • Utilising body language and gestures to reinforce key points

Handling Q&A Sessions with Finesse

  • Anticipating and preparing for potential questions from the audience
  • Responding confidently and thoughtfully during Q&A interactions

Developing Your Personal Speaking Style

  • Discovering and refining your authentic speaking style and presence
  • Adapting communication to different speaking environments and audiences

Enhance your public speaking skills through this transformative masterclass and unlock your potential to deliver compelling and impactful speeches. Join us to become a confident and influential communicator in various personal and professional settings.


There are no specific prerequisites for this course.

Related Certifications

Attendees may also be subsequently interested in

  • High Impact Presentation & Communication Skills
  • Persuading & Influencing Skills
Who should attend?

This programme is suitable for individuals from all professional backgrounds who want to enhance their public speaking skills. Whether you are a business professional, team leader, educator, or aspiring public speaker, this training will benefit you if you aim to improve your communication and presentation abilities in front of diverse audiences.

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