4 days
Value: R8,000 incl VAT*
- *ZAR pricing available and applicable to Southern African residents only!
- Remote Training
- 03 – 06 March 2025
- 23 – 26 June 2025
Contact us for more information:
- Use Java programming language constructs to create a Java application
- Use decision and looping constructs and methods to dictate program flow
- Understand basic object-oriented concepts such as inheritance, encapsulation, and abstraction
- Use and manipulate object references, and write simple error handling code
- Use the SE 8 java.time and java.time.format package to format and print the local date and time
- Have a basic understanding of programming concepts
- Exhibit the ability to solve logical problems.
- Good internet connection
- Ability to download and install files
Getting Started
- Describe basic and object-oriented programming concepts
- Describe the Java platform and identify types of Java programs
- Install and configure the Java SDK
- Write a simple Java program and add comments
Data Types
- Use constants and variables
- Use various data types
Methods, Classes, Objects
- Create and use methods
- Create classes and instantiate objects from classes
OOP Concepts
- Define blocks and scope of a variable
- Overload method and constructors
- Work with constants
- Use prewritten imported methods and Gregorian calendars
Input Selection
- Accept keyboard input
- Draw flowcharts and make decisions by using if…else and switch statements
- Use AND, OR, conditional, and NOT operators, and their order of precedence
- Use while…do and do…while loops, and discuss shortcut arithmetic operators
- Use for and nested loops
Characters and Strings
- Have an understanding of how to manipulate Char, String and StringBuffer
- Declare and initialize an array
- Declare and create an array of objects
- Search an array for an exact match or a range of values
Array Manipulation
- Pass arrays to methods, use the length field, and create an array of strings
- Sort arrays
- Create two-dimensional and multidimensional arrays
Introduction to Inheritance
- Implement interfaces and extend classes
- Override superclass methods
- Use information hiding and protection
Advanced Inheritance
- Create abstract classes and use dynamic method binding
- Create an array of objects and compare objects. Object as base class
- Create interfaces and packages
- Throw and catch exceptions
- Specify and handle exceptions
- Trace and create your own exceptions